Social Mission Revolution


As a Mum, Alison Smith quickly learned the importance of being able to have time out. She needed to recharge herself and make self-care a priority if she was to be the best Mum she could be. Realising that not all Mum’s get the opportunity to do this, she started muMEcations, offering indulgent, affordable and coordinated weekend getaways for women to take time out from their Mum-duties to relax, connect with friends, be pampered and enjoy ME-time. As a not-for-profit organisation, Alison is on a mission to help women prioritise self-care to nurture and improve their mental health and wellbeing. As there are many Mum’s who are in need,  mumMEcations provide subsidised opportunities for Mums experiencing social, health or financial hardship to attend our retreats. An inspiring listen.

To connect with Alison and muMEcations :


